vendredi 10 octobre 2008


Pour rester dans la dialectique prenatale, je dirais qu'on a pratique un IVG rationnel aujourd'hui. Bobette (jeune chiotte dont on a change le sexe suite a une plainte de l'INPI) a trouve cet apres midi une famille d'accueil suite au bon boulot de Anne aupres du centre culturel francais (si si) ou elle a trouve un bon echo: Interruption Volontaire de Gagatisation reussie!

A part ca, on a pris des super photos du chien pendant une semaine (pas une du pays), on a fait des super nuits au rythme des reveils de Bob, des planques de chien dans la saccoche de mon velo qui depuis sent la rose, et passe 2 jours a Samarkand sans visiter un seul batiment...

Mais apres toutes les invitations (ce soir, c'est chez des hotes Servas encore), on a meme eu une situation de crise: 2 invitations en successives par des voisins, dont on s'est tire absolument tres mal, et la veille une invitation poliment refusee ("ce soir, on est ferme"): resultat, on s'est fait apporter notre repas a la tente (veridique!, dans un joli plat, plot, salade et 2 melons...). Alors pour les inquiets, rassurez vous, on prend soin de nous (on nous a meme dit qu'on avait bonne mine!)

pas de photos, car les acces ici sont un peu juste, mais malgre l'impossibilite ici de connecter crisis group (faut pas exagerer sur les libertes accordees ici), je laisse aux anglophones un peu de lecture, et vous conseille un excellent livre trouve ici par Anne (au centre francais toujours) d'un erudit de la region: La nouvelle Asie Centrale, de Olivier Roy (directeur de recherche au CNRS)... Pas eu le temps de tout lire, mais les parties que j'ai pu devorer sont excellentes et donne une tres bonne image de cette region.

Uzbekistan: Media Freedom Needs Action As Well As Dialogue

Brussels, 6 October 2008: As the EU prepares to reconsider its sanctions against Uzbekistan, last week's "media freedom" seminar in Tashkent should not be considered as evidence of any improvement in the country's 17-year policy of suppressing freedom of speech.

The event on 2-3 October, entitled "Liberalisation of Mass Media - An Important Component of the Democratisation of the Society", was co-sponsored by the EU and the Uzbek government. This seminar, while welcome, cannot in itself be seen as an indicator of a change of attitude by the Uzbek authorities in advance of the EU Foreign Ministers meeting on 13 October, at which the subject of European sanctions on Uzbekistan will be considered.

The EU must not close its eyes to the harsh realities that journalists face in Uzbekistan. Our organisations, which took part in the seminar, can attest first-hand that nothing new was heard from the representatives of the government and the state-controlled media who were present. There was no hint of acknowledgement from the Uzbek side that the country's media are neither free nor independent, that journalists and others are regularly imprisoned for expressing their opinions, that access to critical external internet sites is blocked, and that foreign journalists are not allowed accreditation to cover the country from within.

Indeed, foreign journalists and independent Uzbek journalists were not allowed to cover last week's seminar, while journalists from the state-controlled electronic and print media were present in the meeting room.

When EU ministers meet next week, they should make it clear that there have been no positive changes in the area of media freedom in Uzbekistan and insist that the authorities demonstrate a real commitment to freedom of expression through concrete actions. Therefore, the EU should call on the Uzbek government to:

  • In line with Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Uzbekistan is party, guaranteeing the right to freedom of expression:

- end state censorship of all forms of protected expression;

- cease harassment and intimidation of independent journalists working in the country;

- lift reporting restrictions on all domestic and international media outlets;

- promptly and unconditionally release journalists wrongfully detained for their professional activities and others detained for exercising their freedom of expression;

- allow international media outlets, including those that have been forced to stop working in Uzbekistan, to register their bureaus and grant accreditation to international journalists;

  • Require public trials in line with Article 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, by allowing Uzbek and foreign journalists and other independent monitors to cover criminal proceedings from inside the courtrooms;
  • Issue an invitation to the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, as well as the Special Rapporteur on Torture and the Special Representative on Human Rights Defenders.

Meetings such as last week's seminar, and indeed any form of open discussion and dialogue, are certainly to be welcomed if they lead to genuine change. However, the EU must be absolutely clear that a willingness to talk is not the same thing as a commitment to embark on substantive improvements in policy and practice. The Uzbek government's past record of engagement with the EU and other international institutions clearly demonstrates that discussions of possible reforms have consistently been used as a substitute for real and measurable progress. They may be no more than a decoy designed to extract concessions at no cost to the Uzbek authorities.

Amnesty International, EU Office

Article 19

La Fédération Internationale des Droits de l'Homme

Human Rights Watch

Institute for War and Peace Reporting

International Crisis Group

Open Society Institute

2 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Salut Seb,

pas mal le coup de la fausse grossesse , j'y ai presque cru !!

Bon, merci pour ton mail récent ainsi que pour ta carte que l'on a reçu aujourd'hui !! (envoyé le 2 aout ), ça fait plaisir .
ça s'est très bien passé, même si on a du faire sans Guinness....mais on a compensé....

Bon, sinon, on fait aussi un peu de sport dans nos contrées occidentales, tu pourras voir sur le site suivant des preuves de notre arrivée( à Florent et moi) au semi-marathon de Genève !!
(choisir le marathon de Genève et tapez nos noms).

bon courage , et vivement les photos des montagnes ouzbek !


Fab et val

Sébastien a dit…

yes, ca paie les footings entre midi et 2!