mardi 4 novembre 2008

Sur l'Iran (pour les anglophones)

J'aime toujours autant Crisis Group, alors pour vous donner une petite idee du pays ou on est, je vous invite a aller sur leur site:
Iran's proud history, vast energy reserves, and key geopolitical position — bordering Afghanistan and Iraq, abutting the Caspian Sea and stretching down into the Persian Gulf — combine to make it a formidable force in the Middle East. Emerging from the deep freeze of the 1980s, Iran's relations with the international community were much improved in the 1990s, with reform-minded President Khatami's 1997 election and 2002 re-election raising hopes of a fundamental change in domestic Iranian politics. These hopes remain, as yet, unfulfilled. In 2004, the role of the clerical Guardian Council in rejecting reformist candidacies for parliamentary elections led to a conservative victory in the face of reformist protests. In June 2005 hardline Tehran mayor Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad, running on a platform of economic populism, was elected president, and shortly thereafter, in August 2005, nuclear negotiations between Iran and the EU3 collapsed. Ahmadi-Nejad's belligerent anti-Israel remarks and confrontational tone have further undermined international suspicions that Iran's nuclear intentions are not entirely peaceful. In January 2006, Iran resumed nuclear research and development — including enrichment. As the U.S., EU, Russia and China debate this issue at the UN Security Council, Iran must weigh the value of nuclear independence against global isolation.



2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Aie aie aie : enfin un voyage d'ouverture culturelle. Seb se met au coca, au pepsi, découvre les emblemes de la Juve (j'savais meme pas qu'il savait que ca existait...). Attention Seb, tu vas te culturer !

Bon, faites gaffe a vos passeports et evitez, cette fois, de visiter les hopitaux iraniens.

On a aussi fêté l'élection de Barak, hautement symbolique. Mais bon, les lobbys sont bien en place. Alors pourra t'il bouger les murs ? Quoiqu'il arrive, c'est beau. Snif !

Je pense qu'on aura pas beaucoup de photos pendant votre temps Iranien : Resnif !!!

Maintenant que vous avez passé la moitié, on va pouvoir vous dire à bientôt.


anne_et_sebastien a dit…

heureusement que c'etait ecrit "juventus", sinon aucune chance que je ne devine!!

et les photos sont arrivees grace a un peu de perseverance